PSCRC Strategic Planning 2017

PSCRC Strategic Planning 2017 The PSCRC strategic planning took place on a span of two days. Presentations have been published below for review and record. Thank you to all those who attended and presented. We are one step closer to our goals. Glutamine: Old molecule, new use?
How will nano technology change modern medicine?

Congratulations—You’ve finished your first PDSA cycle, which means you have taken an essential step towards driving change. Give yourself a pat on the back and get ready to dive into the next phase of continuous improvement: your second, third and fourth PDSA cycle, or, as many cycles as needed to reach the final adoption stage. […]
Sickle Cell Patients, Families And Doctors Face A ‘Fight For Everything’

“The day before his 30th birthday, Marqus Valentine was in a panic. “I was so scared for midnight to come rolling around because subconsciously I was like, ‘This is it. Tomorrow’s my last day on Earth,’” he said. Like many people with sickle cell, Valentine has watched as one successful advocacy campaign after another brought […]